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International Munich Federalism Days 2023

The International Munich Federalism Days 2023, a prestigious gathering of scholars, experts, and practitioners, was held at the HSS Conference Centre in Munich on May 22, followed by insightful sessions at the HSS Educational Centre in Kloster Banz from May 23 to 26. The five-day conference provided a unique platform for an esteemed group of experts from around the world to engage in in-depth discussions on the crucial links between governance capacity and governance legitimacy in multilevel systems during times of crises.

Distinguished attendees from various countries came together to exchange knowledge, engage in thoughtful discussions, and promote meaningful conversations on the challenges faced by modern governance systems. Among the esteemed participants were delegates from India and Nepal, representing a delegation of 6 experts from India and 2 from Nepal.

The Indian delegation consisted of prominent figures in academia and governance, including Prof. Asha Sarangi from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, Prof. Chanchal Kumar Sharma from the Central University of Haryana, Prof. Harihar Bhattacharyya from the University of Burdwan, Prof. V N Alok from the Indian Institute of Public Administration, Mr. Vikas Kumar Choudhary from the Forum of Federations (India Office), and Mr. Kevin James from the Centre for Social and Economic Progress. From Nepal, the event was graced by the presence of Dr. Thaneshwar Bhusal from the Government of Nepal and Mr. Trilochan Pokharel from the Nepal Administrative Staff College, distinguished experts in their respective fields.

Throughout the program, the participants delved into the often-underexplored connections between governance capacity and governance legitimacy. Discussions focused on understanding how effective governance can be maintained and strengthened during times of crises in complex multilevel systems. Such an exchange of insights and perspectives proved invaluable for enhancing global cooperation and addressing common challenges faced by nations around the world.

The event encompassed a wide array of engaging sessions, including round table discussions, country and regional sessions, an intellectual quiz, and an enlightening visit to the District Office Lichtenfels. These diverse activities provided ample opportunities for participants to actively contribute to the discourse, sharing their expertise and experiences in tackling governance challenges in their respective countries.

The delegates from India and Nepal showcased remarkable enthusiasm and eagerness to participate in all sessions. They wholeheartedly engaged in debates and discussions, enriching the overall experience for everyone involved. The vibrant exchange of ideas fostered an environment of mutual learning, with participants benefiting from the wisdom of their international peers and subject matter experts.

Beyond the academic and intellectual exchanges, the event also facilitated networking and friendship-building among participants from different countries. The informal interactions allowed delegates to make lasting connections, transcending geographical boundaries, and solidifying the foundation for potential future collaborations.

To extend the reach of the valuable insights shared during the International Munich Federalism Days 2023, viewers are encouraged to explore posts related to the event using the hashtag #federalismdays on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more. By doing so, they can gain further insights into the discussions and engage with the ideas presented during the event.

The International Munich Federalism Days 2023 achieved its objectives of promoting knowledge sharing, encouraging global cooperation, and addressing critical governance issues. It reaffirmed the significance of capacity building and legitimacy in governance systems during times of crises, laying the groundwork for more effective, resilient, and inclusive governance practices worldwide.

In conclusion, this gathering of brilliant minds from diverse backgrounds made a significant contribution to the study and implementation of federalism and governance. The experiences shared, insights gained, and connections made during this event will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the participants and the field of governance studies as a whole.


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